Influenza Vaccination (FLU) HIGH-DOSE
FLUZONEĀ® HIGH-DOSE QUADRIVALENT. More antigens = more immunity!
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24.2% MORE EFFECTIVE THAN STANDARD DOSE VACCINE. What's the difference? The high-dose (HD) flu shot is an inactivated influenza vaccine that contains four times the antigen of a standard-dose influenza vaccine. The antigen is the part of the vaccine that helps your body build up protection against disease. This extra antigen is used to create a stronger immune response in older people to provide better protection against influenza. This season's high-dose influenza vaccine is even better than before! The new and improved vaccine is now quadrivalent, meaning it helps to protect against 2 influenza A strains and BOTH INFLUENZA B LINEAGES that unpredictably co-circulate each season. Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommends that people 65 years of age and older should get the High-Dose because it is expected to provide better protection compared to the other influenza standard dose vaccines. In B.C., only adults 65 years of age and older, living in long-term care and assisted living facilities can receive the High-Dose vaccine for free. For those adults over the age of 65 who are not eligible for the publicly funded (free) program (ie: not living in a long-term care home), the vaccine is available to buy from Columbia Street Pharmacy. Although most of the available influenza vaccines may be used in people 65 and older, the use of any available influenza vaccine is preferable to remaining unvaccinated. Only FluzoneĀ® High-Dose is approved for use in adults 65 years of age and older. Due to high demand, the HD flu vaccine must be pre-ordered to ensure availability. PRE-ORDERS ONLY: Interest in the high-dose influenza vaccine is highly anticipated this year due to SARS-CoV2 (CoViD-19) pandemic and availability will be extremely limited due to manufacturing supply quantities. Access to a very limited stock supply will be solely based on pre-orders on a first-come, first-serve basis.